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Two people sit at a table to fill out election day ballots.
Todd Bookman
A new law in New Hampshire will require anyone registering to vote for the first time in the Granite State to provide documentation they are U.S. citizens, like a birth certificate or passport.
Join the team behind NHPR’s critically acclaimed podcast Civics 101 and other community members for the 2024 Civics 101 Summit on Sept. 28 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Experience a live taping of this award-winning podcast!
A comprehensive exploration of the candidates vying for the Governor’s office and New Hampshire's 1st and 2nd Congressional Districts.
NHPR is providing notice of an incident that may impact the privacy of certain individuals’ information. NHPR takes this incident very seriously and is providing information about the incident, our response to it, and resources available to individuals to help protect their information, should they feel it appropriate to do so.

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